Swimming Pools

Pool Guidelines HERE

Pools that are designed to hold 24 inches of water or
more are required to have a permit and applicable
barriers and safe guards in the state of Connecticut.

Many of the pools you can buy today for $179.00 require
an additional expense of barriers and safeguards that
may easily triple the original cost of the pool.

The pool that you have been using for months or years
may never have been signed off by your local Building
Department. It may have electrical deficiencies and
improper guards. Please call and get a final inspection
for it and minimize your exposure.

Do not assume that since your backyard is already fenced
in, that it is in fact a suitable barrier for a swimming pool.
Summer is a great time to play outdoors and in the
water, so make your backyard as safe as you can for your
family and friends.

You should direct your questions to your local Building
Department. Pool regulations are the same for all towns
and cities in Connecticut.