Tax Collector

Primary Contact:
Martin French, CCMC Tax Collector
30 Town House Rd
P.O. Box 428
1st Floor
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm | Evening appointments are available upon request.

About Tax Collector

Durham has a full-time Elected Tax Collector who is responsible for the billing and collection of all tax revenue due to the Town and making timely deposits of collections for Town use. The Collector is a Government Official whom, in accordance with Connecticut State Statues, will collect Real Estate, Personal Property and Motor Vehicle taxes as well as any related penalty charges to assist in maintaining the fiscal stability of the Town and effective, cordial relationships with the public.

The Current Mill Rate 

35.70 for Real Estate (RE) & Personal Property (PP)
32.46 for Motor Vehicles (MV)
The mill rates were approved by the Board of Finance for the October 1, 2023, Grand List, at a meeting on May 16, 2024.
To calculate your RE or PP taxes, use the formula:
assessed property value X .03570
To calculate your MV taxes, use the formula:
assessed property value X .03246
The 2024-2025 budget for the Town of Durham estimates that $4,313,132 will be received from the State of Connecticut for various state financed programs. Without this assistance, your 2024-2025 property taxes would be calculated at a mill rate of 41.29. The state will reduce grants to your town if local spending increases by more than 2.5% from the previous fiscal year. 


Pay by Mail

If paying by mail, send the proper payment stub with your check. Do not send cash. Keep the taxpayer’s copy for your records. Please include the list number from your bill on the check. 
Remit payments to:
Tax Collector-Town of Durham
PO BOX 428
Durham, CT 06422

Pay Online

Use our convenient online portal to make a payment electronically. Can’t find your tax bill? Click the link to view your bill or search for prior payments for your annual IRS/Tax records.
Please Note: The Town of Durham has contracted with the third-party vendor, Point and Pay LLC, to process municipal services payments made electronically via ACH (e-checking) or credit card. Point and Pay LLC will charge a convenience fee to process your electronic payment. 
This fee is not collected by or remitted to the Town of Durham. 
Electronic Processing Fees:
$2.50 (e-check transaction)
2.5% (credit card transaction) 
Please make sure all information is entered correctly. Payments that are charged back/returned due to incorrect entry of information will result in a $25 fee.

Pay in Person

The Tax Collector’s Office is located on the first floor of the Durham Town Hall:
30 Town House Road
Durham, CT 06422
Pay by check, cash, credit/debit card (fees apply) or money order.
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm; Evening appointments available upon request.

Meetings & Events

Tax Collector
does not have any upcoming meetings or events scheduled. Check back later!
Recently Held
Nov 8, 2024
Tax Collector's Office Closing at Noon
Aug 24, 2023
Tax Office Closed
Aug 7, 2023
Tax Office Modified Hours This Week


When is the Deadline to Pay My Taxes?

1st Installment Due July 1st - Last day to pay without penalty August 1st #
2nd Installment Due January 1st - Last day to pay without penalty February 3rd *
Please Note: No bill will be sent out for the 2nd installment. 
Total Installment Due July 1st - Last day to pay without penalty August 1st #
Total Installment Due January 1st - Last day to pay without penalty February 3rd *
*Payments postmarked by Feb 3rd for MVS & 2nd installment of RE & PP are considered on time payments. Payments that are 1 day late are charged 3% interest (1 ½ % for both January & February).
#Payments postmarked by Aug 1st MV & 1st installment of RE & PP are considered on time payments. Payments that are 1 day late are charged 3% interest (1 ½ % for both July & August).

What Happens if I Pay Late?

According to CT State Statute 12-145, interest is charged at 1 ½ % per month from the due date (18% per year) with a minimum interest charge of $2.00. Note: Payments that are 1 day late are charged 3% interest (1 ½ % for both July & August).

Can the Interest on my Taxes be Waived?

No. According to CT State General Statute 12-146, the Tax Collector may not waive interest charges at any time for any reason.

What if I did not Receive a Tax Bill?

According to CT State General Statute 12-130, failure to receive a tax bill is not a valid reason to not pay. It is your responsibility to contact the Tax and Assessor’s office with any address changes. Please call 860-349-1165 or visit the Durham Town Hall to update your address.
In addition, you may also go to Online Tax Payments to view all outstanding bills.

Can I Make a Partial Payment or Set Up a Payment Plan?

We do not make payment plans, but we do accept partial payments. Communication and progress are two essential ingredients needed for resolving delinquent tax situations. If you are delinquent on your taxes, please contact the Tax Office today to discuss a plan to rectify your situation quickly.

My Real Estate Taxes are Paid Through an Escrow Account. Will I Receive the Bill?

No. If your real estate bill is paid by an escrow account, you will not be mailed a copy of the bill. If you do receive a copy, please notify your bank so they know the amount that is due. If you expected a bill and did not receive one, please contact the Tax Office or go to Online Tax Payments.

How does the Assessor determine the value of my motor vehicle?


For the upcoming motor vehicle tax bills due July 1, 2025, Assessors will utilize the Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) of your vehicle and apply the statutory depreciation schedule to calculate the depreciated value of your vehicle.

For examples, as well as the depreciation schedule and CT General Statutes, click here.

Depreciation Schedule pursuant to Section 12-63 of the CT General Statutes:

Age of Vehicle | Percentage MSRP
Up to year one | 85%
           Year two | 80%
        Year three | 75%
          Year four | 70%
           Year five | 65%
             Year six | 60%
       Year seven | 55%
         Year eight | 50%
          Year nine | 45%
            Year ten | 40%
      Year eleven | 35%
      Year twelve | 30%
    Year thirteen | 25%
   Year fourteen | 20%
Year fifteen to nineteen | 15%
Year twenty and beyond | Not less than $500

I Owe Motor Vehicle Taxes and the DMV Will Not Let Me Register my Vehicle. DMV Release Information.

To register a vehicle, your taxes MUST be paid. Municipalities place delinquent taxpayers on hold with the Department of Motor Vehicles until their tax situation has been resolved. To obtain an immediate release from the DMV, delinquent taxes must be paid to the Tax Collector by cash or certified check. Electronic payments require 2-3 business days before a DMV release will be issued. Payments made by personal check require 2 weeks before a DMV release will be issued. 

I Disposed Of/Sold My Motor Vehicle. Do I Still Owe the Taxes?

Yes. If you replaced one vehicle with another, you will receive a pro-rated Supplemental Motor Vehicle (MVS) tax bill in January for the new vehicle. However, you still must pay the entire amount due on the old vehicle. Please contact the Assessor’s Office even if you have notified the DMV of the change to avoid future bills. Please do not ignore the bill if you receive one.

What is a Supplemental Motor Vehicle Bill?

Vehicles registered between October 2 and the following July 31, will appear on a Supplemental Motor Vehicle List provided to the Assessor by the DMV. The assessed value of each vehicle is pro-rated based upon the month of registration (ex. March = 50%).

What Do I Need to Do if I Move Out of Town?

Your tax city/town of residency as of October 1 determines where you will pay taxes. Municipalities within Connecticut do not apportion bills for portions of a tax year. Per Connecticut law, all residents are required to notify the DMV of a change of address within 48 hours. This applies to your license AND your registration. Please contact the Assessor’s office to provide the proper documentation and to ensure future bills are sent to the correct location.


The Tax Collector has vacant seat(s).
Interested in volunteering? See all the vacancies.


Martin French, CCMC
Tax Collector
(860) 349-1165
Jason Beaudoin
Assistant Tax Collector
(860) 349-1165


Elected for 4 year term
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